Existing customer, looking for support?
If you encounter a problem with your Dream PC, we are here for you. Please gather as much information as you can on what issue you are facing, when it happens and any repeatable steps you can do to get it to do it again. Be as specific and detailed
Feedback and Suggestions
We'd love to hear from you if you have any ideas, suggestions or feedback on any of our public channels. These can be a wide range of topics, such as: Parts you are looking for, or would like to see us sell more of. Website issues or suggestions for
Looking to buy a PC from us?
If you need any assistance from either the community or Dream PC staff regarding your PC purchase, please post here so the community can give their feedback on the PC you are looking for. If you require a more immediate answer and to chat to people, please
Welcome to Dream PC Community Forums
Welcome to the Community forums You can post 4 types of content within our community. These are Discussions, Questions, Problems and Ideas. Each of these serves a particular purpose. Discussions When you have something to discuss with you, you can post